Reviewing my Resolutions

Today, I decided to look over what my New Years’ resolutions and how much I had progressed, but also how much my perspectives on things have changed since the pandemic. If you see my post on 6th January, you’ll see the original resolutions, and I thought I’d review them and tell you where I am with them and what has changed since.

Professional Goals

1. Building up my Business

Though I am continuing my business and have got it to a point where it runs smoothly, the interior design side, though I would still work on projects if they came in, is something that I’m leaving in the background as I finish my studies and work on the Mafia and other ideas. I never quite got my social media right but am hoping to post about my university projects on there until I have something more to post. The aim of selling design packages is no longer a priority, at least until next year.

2. Planning and Working

My perspective on planning has definitely changed, and though I still plan and think it is important, my plans are a lot looser now as I know things can change. I still want to plan out weekly and monthly tasks and activities, but with much less stress on it being done ‘or else’.

3. Decisions

Some of the decisions I wanted to make have been made, but others I will definitely be putting off for longer as many are post-uni decisions that I will make post-uni. I originally wanted to have an idea of my career by December, but I know that I won’t have any clue until half-way through 2021. That can be quite a scary thing, but I’m currently ok with not knowing what the future holds, as anything could happen this year.

Personal Goals

1.Improve health and fitness

Let’s just say this one crashed and burned during lockdown but I’m hoping to get into running and meal planning at some point (wish me luck with that). My physical health has never really been as big as an issue for me, but I should definitely start trying to be healthier.

2. Faith and Meditation

This one was an important one for me as my mental health and my faith are two key parts of me that natural intertwine as my faith helps my state of mind. I’m still working on this as trying to make sure I read and pray, again with good weeks and bad weeks, but am hoping to do this more, and also adding in things like doing bible study with others, which has already begun.

3. Writing

I originally wanted to make set times and days for writing. This hasn’t happened. But writing is still a big part of my life and I will hopefully have some good things to say on these blogs for months to come as well as writing just for me.

A lot of these resolutions are still ongoing, and I do hope to feel that I’ve completed some of them by the end of 2020, but I’m not going to put too much pressure on some of these decisions, and instead take it a step at a time.

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